
Your testimony is a fact that you have a Big God – who has done great things for you!  In fact, you are a “living witness” who demonstrates the unconditional Love of God and His divine power and consuming presence.  Your life and testimony is an encouragement to others who may be facing similar trials and temptations today and need to know that they are not alone and there is a way out.   Please share your “living proof” encouragement today!

What God has done for me:
Psalms 145:4 – One generation shall praise Your works to another, and shall declare Your mighty acts!


I will declare the works of the Lord - what Jesus Christ did for me:

"Through Jesus Christ: By God's Holy Spirit" Testimonial

* Optional

By Submitting my testimony I agree it is the truth and grant full permission to bydesiGn ministries, its owners and partners to publish and post this information publicly, in written or oral format, in shortened versions, and without any restriction.

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