Freedom Choices

Stand in Liberty
Eternal Life
Water Baptism
Holy Spirit Immersion
Find a Church
Test all Things
First Things First

Stand in Liberty

Now that you are free - you need to stand fast with God in Liberty. The enemy will try to return and contest your liberty and entangle you again. This page has several major freedom choices that help you stand: Jesus as Lord and Savior, Water Baptism, Spiritual Tongues, and Other Believers. All of them are wise and fend off the devil. Also you need to submit to God, speak to and rebuke the enemy in Jesus name and he will flee. To help you with your stand also check out:

The enemy can only come and stay if you let him!

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Salvation & Eternal Life

Don't know, or perhaps never had the opportunity to sell-out and make Jesus Christ your Lord and Savior? Need to recommit? You'll never regret this choice - it's one that puts your name in the Lamb's Book of Eternal Life:


  John 3:16
  Acts 2:21
  Romans 10:9-13
  John 6:37

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Water Baptism

The Bible says - Repent, Believe and Be Baptized.
If you have not been water baptized, go get baptized (at a believing church, or if none are around, with another believer in a lake or river or tub God knows your heart).

Because when you pass through the water it is an act of obedience that separates you from the kingdom of darkness and its forces.

Submerge or Sprinkle?
Well God knows your heart. Personally I follow Jesus example whenever possible and He came up out of the water. Ask God, He'll let you know what's o.k.

  Acts 2:38
  Acts 26:20

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Holy Spirit Immersion

Another great gift from God - an endurment of power and a spiritual language.
For Mark 16:17 says, believers shall speak in new tongues.

P.S. the enemy doesn't want you to take this one - it's lethal to his dark kingdom work and some say it also boosts your immune system up to 30%.

  Luke 11:13
  Acts 2:4
  John 14:16-17   1 Corinthians 2:9-13
  Romans 8:26
  Acts 1:8
  Ephesians 5:18 1:8
  Luke 3:16

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Find a Church

A church isn't a building or a doctrine. It's you, me and other believers of Jesus Christ. The Bible says (in Hebrews 10:25) not to forsake the gathering of you and other believers. So find some other believers (who believe like you do - who Love God and love others - who beleive in a triune God - Father, Son and Holy Spirit - where the power of God is not denied, Jesus Christ is proclaimed and the Bible Truth is spoken and done).

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Take it often. The Bible says to examine yourself and do this often in remembrance of Me (says Jesus).
So come with a right heart and remember our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ and the precious price He paid for us to be reconciled to our Heavenly Father, forgiven, set free, healed, restored and the promise of eternal life.

Thank you Jesus, You are the only way!

Luke 22 : 19-20
I Corinthians 11:23-26

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Test all Things

Don't believe anything anyone tells you - including me - unless you can confirm its agreement to God's Holy Scripture - The Bible. The Bible says test all spirits and all sayings. The Holy Spirit (spirit of truth) will help you see the Truth and discern lies. Keep in God's word - read it and live it - it is living and powerful. It will change you if you let it. Want to know more - see Fresh Revelations teachings titled "Test All Things."

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First Things First

Love God and spend time with your Heavenly Father, His Son Jesus Christ and His Holy Spirit. Know Him; Seek Him; Talk to Him; have a personal relationship with Him. HE LOVES YOU! His Son Jesus made a way for you to be reconciled to God the Father. If you love Jesus, you love the Heavenly Father. If you love Jesus, you love the HOLY Spirit. They are the God Head - three in one. Release this fellowship with the Heavenly Father today: Fellowship With God

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