Suicide Testimonials

I had a great life. Great job, no debt, good looking by the world's standards, people liked me. But inside I was in torment. The pain seemed umbearable at times. I kept getting these thoughts to just crash the car and it will be over. You are worthless, just end it now. I finally woke up to the reality that these thoughts were not mine but planted by the devil & his forces. The truth was that God wanted to restore me and that He had great plans for me. I turned to God and told the thoughts they had to go in Jesus name I was covered in the Blood of Jesus. They tried to come back now and then, but I am onto their game and can't wait to see what God is going to make of me.

Praise the Lord, He has set me free from connections with the occult, alcohol,lust, anger, suicide, impure thoughts, drugs, Jesus has given me freedom in so many areas of my life. Again praise the Lord.

Hello, I had suicidal thoughts contastantly and it ran in my family background. I finally heard the truth that this was a spiritual force that I could command to get out of my life and thoughts in Jesus name. So I did. Every time it tries to plant a thought in my head - I speak out loud, God has a destiny for me that I must fulfill - get out in Jesus name. Praise God I am free from its influence.

I was at the final fork in the road - if this didn't work I was going to end it. I now know I was believing the lie of the devil, God didn't forsake me - He loves me and is for me. The devil was the one bringing all the destruction. Now I know the truth and who to fight. Thank you Jesus.

I had endured yet another business failure and was at a point of serious oppression. It is either this class is going to shift something or I'm going to end it. Praise God, He uncovered the lie the enemy had me believing - that God wasn't for me and had forsaken me. I know the truth now - God will help me and had been - I was blaming the wrong kingdom. Forgive me Lord - Life is worth living and Spirit of suicide you need to get out now in Jesus name! I'm free from your lie!

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